Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Term 4 2019

This term it is all about looking after ones self - health and well being...

The challenge was to work out a good "tech" slant to it... and as usual we came up with a good one !

It fits well with "hard tech" but is not WOOD


hard enough for you !  haha !

We are currently looking at a happy place, stress and nerves and a de stress method !

Now we are looking at makiong gifts for 5 people we know - with the stipulation its made by hand !

The we looked at the criteria for the project - the materials we will use

water sand and cement !

now they go away and research what could be made with these materials as a craft / gift possibility !

Good luck !

more next week.....

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Perception Neuron and iClone

Imagine "Lord of the Rings" - remember Golim - how the digital character moved round - it was controlled by an actor in a "suit"
"incredible technology"

Now what about this - we have a "suit" too - and its got so much potential - we have spent last term "playing with it" and getting to know the suit - the programme and then Iclone 7 as well....
This term we have had some incredible success and we got it going - thats a milestone !

A pictures worth a 100 words - watch this and see the excitement in the boys voices......

...... now that has possibilities !!!!

We are going to partner this with character creator so even better !
there's lots of just in time learning going on right now....