Monday, March 11, 2019

Dr Amanda, William and the Blood Box

This is a 3 week catch up on whats been going on behind the scenes ...

We are on "Round 2" of the "blood box" and William has made it his mission to help improve the 2018 Blood Box"

He has sent Amanda a video as an introduction and a plan of attack for the 2019 model
link here..........  William to Dr Amanda

So far William has re designed the box to a more streamlined version and adapted the name by making it an insert/stamp like motif... Dr Amanda commented that the old one would have blood etc in it and it was hard to clean

So Williams solution was to fill the lettering "holes" with resin to make it flat while still having the Marina View School name visible...

at this stage we have sent it back to Amanda for a review and feedback

Dr Amanda has sent back a reply via video

William will review the video then we can have a discussion on the next step

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Week 6 and "we rock"

We are all so pleased with the movies and games we have produced in 5 weeks.

The feedback the students have given says they thoroughly enjoyed the unit.

Our pephas we recorded with audacity we very successful and to put them into Crazytalk and animate the cartoon characters were brilliant

We will post the finished movies to Linc-ed along with the comics they produced as a pdf...

We dipped our toes in using Gamefroot and want to continue using it to learn more more coding - most of the students gave it 8 or 9 out of 10 for ease of use so we look forward to doing more coding next term

we will post a few examples here later this week