Friday, August 16, 2019

STEAM Lessons with Chinese Students

August 12-16 saw 29 Chinese students visit MVS to complete a week long course on their STEAM Water Turbine lessons with students at MVS
Mr Gover was away so Mrs Sutton stepped in and completed the 5 lessons for him.
Mr Gover said he was extremely jealous he missed out on the lesson but Mrs Sutton - Room 17 students and the 29 chinese students all worked so hard during the week to complete the design and prototypes
Here are a series of photos of the week
Monday was getting to know each other with the first stages of planning underway

Tuesday and Wednesday were all about the research, planning, design and most importantly getting the measurements right - measure twice cut one was the motto as we didnt have endless supplies of materials

Thursday was the day we saw it all come together - all the planning, the discussion, the prototyping in cardboard helped make the final prototype come to being.....we got to glue it together and it started to come together....

Friday 3:00 and the day was over but for most groups they didnt get it all completed ... probbly a time issue but not because we wasted time - more because we just had so much to do and not enough time... but the results were brilliant !
we were so proud of what we had achieved and there was more to do. Our Chinese students had to go but Room 17 will truck on next week and finish the water turbines off and send a video to the Chinese students when they have finished